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Re: New kid in town

What exactly is your point, Doug?  Your marvelously tolerant ilk loves to 
denigrate and excoriate those who do not hold to your peculiar worldview.  
Yet you accuse others of intolerance and somehow attempt to project 
yourselves as paragons of tolerance.  Webster's Third New International 
Dictionary: Tolerance: "a permissive or liberal (Oh no, the L word, hide the 
women and children!) attitude toward beliefs or practices differing from or 
conflicting with one's own: sympathy or indulgence for diversity in thought 
or conduct.." Nope, it doesn't say anything about seeking you out and buying 
you a beer.  When was the last time you bought Bill London (for example) a 
beer, Doug?  I don't wish to hang with you, you don't wish to hang with me, 
but we can tolerate one another, right?  Right?                              
                                  Carl Westberg Jr.

>From: Douglas <>
>Subject: New kid in town
>Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 09:41:29 -0800

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