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Moscow School Board

TO: Tom Hansen. This is my second email back to you and the Vision 20/20 list. Again, I am not hiding. I am Phil Roderick, owner of CJ's hence my email address is: CJ's nightclub has nothing to do with this issue. Phil Roderick as a tax paying citizen and registered voter cares.  

I am anxiously awaiting a response from someone, anyone, that can tell me, give me or direct me to the minutes and proposals of the meetings the school board held during the time in question. Also, the facts stand on their own. The Moscow School Board told us the 1.1 million dollar tax increase (levy) none, I repeat NONE, was to be used for raises. Augh, is that what they did? NO! Hence, I need to see the proposals and minutes to see who sold us out. Once again, I ask anyone who would know what politicians are involved in this so I DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM NEXT TIME!

Phil Roderick

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