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Re: public water, private profit

     There is another slant to this issue that I expected to read on this listserve by now.  Are Naylor farms actually planning to use the water for farming?  Many fortunes have been made by being first in line at claiming rights to valuable, limited resources and then reselling those rights. .  Maxxam Corp. (sp) makes far more money by threatening to (and then not) cutting Redwoods, and having rights to (but not using) electricity than they would if they followed their supposed business plans.  Many "gold claimers" made off much better by selling claims than actually mucking for gold.  Currently, water rights are the hot item, with lots of money changing hands in the more arid and wealthy southwestern states.  I would very much like our state regulators (and the feds) to get off their bum, stop passing the buck, and make sure water mining doesn't happen in our state.                                       BC
     -----Oh dang that liberal elitist evil twin of mine-------

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