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Democrats, GOP, Enron, etc.

    I've noticed many times that not as much political
hay is made by either the GOP or the Demos over some
scandal or other as would seemingly be possible to the
casual observer. 

    A case in point is the Chinese fundraising
scandals under Clinton. This was pursued, but not too
far.(Especially considering that sensitive defense
technology was  given to the Chinese in exchange for
campaign contributions. Technology that enabled the
Chinese to develop missiles that can now reach our

    It's my observation that when one party has a mild
response to a scandal in the other, it's because both
are engaged in pretty much the same kind of
questionable activity. So, naturally it's difficult
for either to pursue it too hard for fear of the
"blowback" that will come back to bite them--and even
harder because of the hypocrisy factor. 

    The involvement of Demo. party head Terry
McCauliffe in the Global crossing mess is a case in
point on the corporate "book cooking" stuff. 

Tim L        
"If you're not paranoid, you're not paying attention"

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