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discussion games: fun with Doug S.

     Sorry Mike C, I agree with you,  but I can't help myself.  I just thought up a fun new game to play online.  It's called  "grammar cop".  Score points for pointing out misspellings in someone's postings.  Multiply your score by ten if the poster has stated they graduated "magna cum laude",  then double again if they claim to be a Rotary Scholar.  (Pie in my face, but do they mean Rhodes Scholar)?   Add twenty more points if they claim a state borders itself.  (I suppose technically that's correct, but that's not what they meant in their statement).  So far my score is 100.  Anyone do better?   
     I grew up in the greater Pendleton area, and don't recall those constant winds, but that was a long time ago and I guess things do change.  The rodeo is MAJOR, but it lasts for a week, and the gold rush (and Lewis and Clark) passed through a LOT of turf.  One place IS really special- if you're in the Baker City area, do not miss the Oregon Trail interpretive site.
                                                                            Take care      BC
      PS. I almost forgot: Pendleton is the birthplace of Les Schwab tires. A people oriented, successful, and positive looking company.      Maybe the right politician could save us by having them relocate here. 

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