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RE: Compassion

John Harrell:

Just a few thoughts about our discussion of the word "slut:"

This word specifically refers to women, according to my American Heritage 
Dictionary.  It is incorrect to apply it to a man, not that I am saying you 
did.  What I asked for earlier was a word that meant the same thing as 
"slut," but that applied ONLY to men.  The word "fornicator" applies to men 
AND women, so it does not qualify as an answer to my question.

I think you will find, as I stated earlier, that there is no word in COMMON 
use that refers to men in the same manner that "slut" refers to a women.  
"Satyr" is one word that might fit, but how many people have you ever heard 
in your life call a man a "satyr?"  I can count the number on one hand.

This demonstrates, I believe, a bias that our culture has against the 
expression of aspects of women's sexuality that it does not share in the 
same manner towards men, despite the appearance in our culture of much 
flaunting of women's sexuality, which, after all, is motivated in large part 
by Madison Ave's exploitation of the female body to sell products and 

Madison Ave. does not want to see a healthy acceptance of the female breast 
as a de-sexualized (as in involved in the act of sex) aspect of women.  The 
female breast would then lose the obsessive and hyper-sexual appeal which 
Madison Ave. uses to exploit women to the tune of billions of dollars of 
advertising of all sorts.

Moscow's Ordinance 2002-13 is thus continuing the legal, economic and 
psycho-social climate which exploits women's bodies in an objectifying and 
de-humanizing manner.


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