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A request was made some time ago to tke off line the "discussion" that has persisted on this list involving government schools, religious/philosophical persuasions, topless carwashes, the new "topless" ordinance, and what has now descended (even further) into insults and appeals to be hired by the community. Those posts have had, among others, subject lines "compassion," "our kickin' sitsayashun," "moscow," "hello," and "the real story."

On behalf of many on this list, please, please take this discussion to your own private domains. Chat rooms are available on Yahoo and I am positive that anyone who wants to join the conversation can find an email from one of the participants.

PLEASE, if you have been personally offended by a recent post in an area mentioned above, respond directly to the sender, not to the list. It is grossly unfair to ask all 460 or so of the rest of us to keep using our delete keys.

Thank you so much for your consideration.

Mike Curley

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