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Dear visionaries,

The reason we are all getting tired of the discussion surrounding John Harrell's epithet is not because the discussion is over. Not at all. We are simply approaching half time when we all have to switch directions.

Not many of you knew this, but Mr. Harrell is actually a performance artist funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. His use of the word slut was primarily being applied to the various sexual tensions and dichotomies within the Virgin Mary -- on the taxpayers' dime. Now this kind of language may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it is the role of the artist in our mass consumer society to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. After all, the First Amendment is precious, and so we have to defend Mr. Harrell's upcoming readings at the Prichard Gallery, and we should be outraged that anyone would want to silence this lonely voice in the wilderness.

Okay! Everybody switch sides!


Douglas Wilson

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