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RE: Compassion

Mr. Moffett:

Your post seems to omit some information:

snip> ....mindset, that accepts the validity of and sacredness of the many
valuable cultural and religious traditions of the human race. <snip

Well, Mr. Harrell appears to have a cultural and religious tradition.  And
yet you further write:

snip>	"You have my deepest sympathy, Mr. Harrell, and my sincere hopes for a
full recovery!"   <snip

What exactly is Mr. Harrell supposed to recover from, and why does he merit
your deepest sympathy?  Is his religious tradition not valid?  By what
standard do you judge its validity, and what qualifies you to subordinate
his viewpoint to another (yours).

How can even most traditions be valid?  Some say there is no God, others say
God is everything.  If everyone can be correct, why not Mr. Harrell?

It seems that the "validity of ... the many ....traditions of the human
race"--is not without stipulations.  What are they?  And what, specifically,
does one believe that is consistent with and accepts as valid all (or nearly
all) religious traditions?


David Douglas

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