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RE: Unidentified subject!

Ms. Huskey:
The people who come in and ask if Bucer's serves homosexuals,
ARE homosexual or friends of the homosexual community. How
do they know? Because they identify themselves as such.
Apparently, you don't *know* all homosexuals or PFLAG
people in Moscow. Maybe if you hang out at Bucer's you'd meet
a few more.

Lucy Zoe

Melynda writes:

>Mrs. Greenfield responded, with the full support of the other owners,
>indicated the rumor was false. . . .Since that time, the rumor >has 
>continued to spread, predominantly in the homosexual community.

That's a curious thing to say, surely?  How in the world would anyone
that a rumor is mostly spread by gay people? (And how long could it
to spread in what is, after all, a rather limited pool of gay people?
days would about do it for us.)

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