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RE: Don't make us call you chicken: take the public debate challenge!

Greetings Visionaires -

Gregory Dickison stated:

"Saying that women should be able to do everything men do
completely misses the point, and squishes both men and women into an
amorphous mold that gives freedom, equality and justice to neither."

Muscovites for Equal Rights is simply attempting to guarantee equality under
the law, a right mandated by the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution.  I
assume by your statement that you are a right-wing Reaganite.  You talk
about equal rights, but you don't openly support them.  What makes your
statement even scarier is that you are an attorney.  What side of the aisle
do you sit during a sexual harrassment law suit?

Free to be you and me,

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

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