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Agendas for TUESDAY, Sept 3rd

Please note there will be no Administrative Committee Meeting next week.

The Public Works/Finance Committee and Council Meetings will be held
TUESDAY, Sept 3rd.  Thank you.

Tuesday, September 3, 2002					 4:00 p.m.
206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1. 	Approval of Public Works/Finance Committee Minutes of August 26,

2.    Change Order #4, 1912 Center Project - Randy Rice
	This change order will be the final one for this phase of the
project, and represents minor modifications the contractor made during the
final portion of the site work.  Total amount of this change order is $1,389
and will be paid with the funds coming from the project contingency account.
		Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
	ACTION:  Recommend approval of the change order; or take such other
action as deemed appropriate.

3.	Effluent Filtration Request for Proposals Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Mark Cook
	Staff seeks approval to solicit request to identify a preferred
effluent filtration alternative at the wastewater treatment plant.  The work
is jointly funded by the University of Idaho in support of probable land
application permit requirements pending with Idaho Department of
Environmental Quality and the City's wastewater treatment plant discharge
		Council Consent Agenda Item #1E
	ACTION:  Recommend authorizing staff to prepare, solicit, select and
negotiate a contract with a consultant to identify the preferred effluent
filtration alternative at the wastewater treatment plant for a fee not to
exceed $40,000; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

4.    Fee Resolution for Solid Waste Rates - Gary J. Riedner
	The attached Resolution adopts the increases in the rates to be
charged producers and generators for the collection and disposal of solid
waste within the City of Moscow.  
		Council Agenda Item #2
	ACTION:  Recommend approval of the attached Resolution adopting new
fees, and authorize Mayor's signature thereon; or take other action deemed

Fire Station #3 Status - Randy Rice
Street Improvement Status Report - Mark Cook
DEQ Paradise Creek Standards - Mark Cook
Tuesday, September 3, 2002		                                7:30
City Hall Council Chambers 
206 East Third Street, Second Floor


1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at
the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

	A. 	Approval of Minutes of August 19, 2002 - Chris Bainbridge

	B. 	Matson Development Agreement - Dean Weyen
				Ray Matson is developing property that abuts
Vandal Drive.  Public improvements consisting of sidewalk and street paving
are required.  Ray is requesting a building permit prior to completion of
the necessary improvements; therefore, a development agreement is required.
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance and Administrative Committees August 26,

				ACTION:  Approve agreement and authorize the
Mayor's signature thereon.

	C. 	Fee Waiver Request by Latah County - Joel Plaskon
				The Board of County Commissioners is
applying for a Comprehensive Plan Change and Rezone and requests that the
$300.00 fee be waived.  Objective number three of the Public Services,
Facilities and Utilities element of the Moscow Comprehensive Plan may be
interpreted to support such a fee waiver.  It reads as follows:  "Promote
coordination between agencies in the planning process and administration in
order to make maximum use of existing and future public facilities and
services".  The Public Works/Finance Committee recommended approval of a
$125.00 Variance fee waiver for the County which was approved by City
Council on July 15, 2002.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance and
Administrative Committees August 26, 2002.

		ACTION: Approve fee waiver request.

D. 	Change Order #4 for 1912 Center Phase 2 - Randy Rice
				This change order will be the final one for
this phase of the project, and represents minor modifications the contractor
made during the final portion of the site work.  Total amount of this change
order is $1,389 and will be paid with the funds coming from the project
contingency account.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee September
3, 2002.

		ACTION:  Approve the change order and authorize the Mayor's
signature thereon.

		E. 	Effluent Filtration Request for Proposals Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Mark Cook
				Staff seeks approval to solicit request to
identify a preferred effluent filtration alternative at the wastewater
treatment plant.  The work is jointly funded by the University of Idaho in
support of probable land application permit requirements pending with Idaho
Department of Environmental Quality and the City's wastewater treatment
plant discharge requirements.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee
September 3, 2002.

				ACTION:  Authorize staff to prepare,
solicit, select and negotiate a contract with a consultant to identify the
preferred effluent filtration alternative at the wastewater treatment plant
for a fee not to exceed $40,000.

2. 	Public Hearing - 7:30 p.m. Proposed Fee Increases to be included in
FY 2003 Fee Resolution  - Gary J. Riedner/Don Palmer
		The City budget for FY 2003 proposes an increase in
commodity water rates, sewer rates, and other miscellaneous rates.  The
attached information explains the affect of the rate increases.  Idaho Code
requires that a public hearing be held in any case when fees are increased
in excess of five (5) percent. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance and
Administrative Committees August 26, 2002, and by Public Works/Finance
Committee September 3, 2002.

		ACTION: Hold public hearing; reject, modify or approve
resolutions implementing rate increases.  If approved, authorize the Mayor's
signature on said resolutions; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

 3.  	Fire Station #3 Status   - Randy Rice

1.	1912 Center Project Status/Issues - Randy Rice
2.   Committee Reports:
	a.  Mayor
	b.  Administrative Committee
	c.  Public Works/Finance Committee
d.  Other Boards & Commissions

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