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RE: Theological Attack On Public Schools

>  First of all, I will apologize to Dale if he took the
> mention of his military career as a negative. 

Apology accepted.

> I certainly
> didn't infer that it was negative, 

Someone making an assertion "implies"; someone receiving that assertion

You don't write for a living, do you? :)

> merely pointed out that I
> thought it was strange that he would call government schools 
> pagan while he, a government employee, won't stomach the same label.

As I used the term, "pagan" (the adjective) was historically applied to
individuals (atheists, agnostics, humanists, etc) and to institutions
that were hostile to "religion". 

I'm not a pagan; but I work for a pagan institution. There's nothing
contradictory about that. 

And, as Walter pointed out, even the government hires chaplains, pays
for worship services, etc.

>   I do not believe this notice ad hominem at all.

Sigh. Look up *ad hominem (tu quoque)* in your junior high logic

Regarding your stats. First, my numbers were related to Moscow/Latah.
That's where all my digging was at.

Finally, I've not addressed your statistics because I flatly haven't had
time to look at them. Some of us have to work for a living. I've spent
the last two days dodging character assassination attempts. If you will
stop attacking my character, I'll look at your numbers. Deal?

Dale Courtney
Moscow, Idaho

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