----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 11:29
Subject: re. personal thoughts
To those of you who had the unfortunate
opportunity to intercept my first submission, my sincerest (and embarrassed)
apologies. Thank you FSR for being so responsive in deleting it.
Don- don't think lack of initial
response diminishes the importance of your questions. In my
(agnostic, common sense- liberal) opinion I think you have asked the most
important questions since I first viewed this sight earlier this week.
What set me off in my accidental initiation was the "my God can
beat up your God", or even worse, the "my God should beat up your
God" attitude that seemed to be influencing and distorting much of
politics. It is fairly benign when it is simple back and forth banter
expressed on an electric machine, but we should be damned sure we are in the
right before we force our might against much of the rest of the world.
If we are truly righteous, then of course we should "go for it". But do
we know that we are truly right? Our gov. says absolutely, yet for some
unexplained reason they don't tell us why, how sure,what PROOF, etc.
Yes, we do know that some of the "evildoers" are bad dudes, but are they bad
enough that we are in the right to destroy their countries and kill many of
their innocent citizens in the process? Will the rest of the world
support us in this endeavor? For those so inclined- would a passionate
God support this? These are major disturbing questions we should all be
asking and demanding answers for ASAP, as the stakes and consequences grow
larger each day. We screw up, we could be the odd man out really
quickly. Some might call this panter from a bleeding heart liberal
(especially those who worship Michael Savage), but these ideas should be
considered by all intelligent thinking lovers of their
On other things: re-opt
out? You betcha! I don't have a street light within blocks, yet I pay for
em! Schools? I have no kids, yet I pay ~1k+/- for their education
(some voluntarily). Lots of streets I don't walk upon, therefore why
should I pay? Never used an ambulance. Not had much crime around here
lately, so I don't think I'm gettin my money's worth from the cops. Or
am I? I think that perchance society is a better place if I pay for a
couple things I don't use, even if this society isn't molded according to my
preferred ideal model. re-Mark R- excellent letter.
All should read it. BC