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RE: Theological Attack On Public Schools

Ted Moffett wrote:
"Concerning the claim that theological debates are not appropriate for
and bolts" discussions of Moscow's future, consider the impact on
for Moscow's public education of certain religious groups in Moscow (via

their votes), who have vocally stated their opposition to funding public

schools, or what they sometimes term "government schools."  And also 
consider that the raison d'etre of this effort to withdraw financial
for the public schools is quite clearly asserted, by Doug Jones and Doug

Wilson and others following their logic, to be some of the very
ideas discussed on vision2020 that some want off the list."

As one who has, at times, had difficulty following the theological
discussions, I want to say that Mr. Moffett's post makes a lot of sense
to me.

I'm not as articulate as some here, but I do think it important that we
be aware of the agendas, hidden or otherwise, theological or otherwise,
of the groups that make up our community, particularly when those groups
want to shape our community to their liking [not necessarily anything
wrong with that . . . as long as I agree  :-) ] and try to force their
"absolutes" on our community.  This seems especially important when
groups are attracting new members (voters) to our community who share
those agendas and theologies.

As Mr. Moffett points out, there is an organized theologically-based
group within our community that advocates doing away with public
schools, among other things.  If a discussion such as that doesn't
belong here, I'd be hard pressed to think of appropriate topics of

As a community member, I have appreciated the debates/discussions
because they've helped me understand a whole lot about a specific fringe
element of our community and how they'd like to change our community.
It has definitely helped me understand some of the things that have been
going on in our community.

I do wish, however, that subject headings would NOT be completely
changed because it makes following the discussions impossible without
reading every single message & trying to track responses (or lack
thereof) back to the questions asked.  For instance, I recall Mr.
Wilson, I believe, objecting to his tax dollars going to support public
education while no tax dollars support his church school.  Someone then
asked if Mr. Wilson's church, and thus his church school, didn't receive
the benefits of tax-exempt status.  I don't recall that the question was
ever answered by Mr. Wilson, but it's possible I missed the response
because the subject heading might have been changed.

Keeping subject headings would also easily enable those not interested
in reading a particular thread to skip those topics.

Saundra Lund
Moscow, Idaho

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to
do nothing.
Edmund Burke

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