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New thread: Fewer laws in 2020

I would like to comment on Douglas Wilsons comment in a message a few days ago in which he said - I must paraphrase as I have deleted the original message, but I am confident I will be corrected if, in the reconstruction, I misconstrue the meaning. I remember Douglas saying that 'there will many fewer laws in my vision of 2020'. I interpreted this to mean that in the year 2020 there will be no need for many of the laws we have today.  On the face of it that seems an admirable vision. A society in which laws are no longer needed; except for a few to compell neighors to lease their dogs and cover their breasts.
But how would this admirable society govern itself? I readily admit, as Douglas has been demanding, that all laws are an imposition of somebodies morals\ethics over somebody elses. If this was not the case there would be no need for a law (I prefer the term values over morals or ethics in this context). It seems to me there are 2 ways in which societies can govern themselves with few laws. First the society can be composed of tolerant individuals that are willing to accomodate diverse cultures, opinions, and practices; laws are needed to protect life and property but most social and political conduct is negotiated between neighbors. Second the society is composed of individuals having the same values; there is little need for laws as everybody agrees to what is right and wrong - in most homogeneous societies there is an arbiter, frequently a religion.
Based on the response of Douglas and supporters to the topless ordinance I do not think that Douglas envisions the first way to reduce the need of laws.
Troy Merrill

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