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RE: Topless issue in Moscow, few words more

Bush carried Latah County in 2000 53-37%. I couldn't find the Moscow results.
On the other hand, in the '96 election, Clinton beat Dole in Latah County 47% to 39% but as I remember he carried  Moscow 2 to 1. Moscow used to be considered liberal(Democrat, anyway), but after the last election, the pundits said that the balance had been shifted by an influx of conservative voters and a loss of union workers in the timber industry.

Ron Force       

Moscow  Idaho USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Shepherd []
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 10:01 AM
To: Dale Courtney; 'Vision 2020'
Subject: RE: Topless issue in Moscow, few words more

It's pretty cool that your town has this forum for discussion.  It's something my adopted hometown of College Park, Maryland, should look into.

I'm curious what the political affiliation breakdown is in Moscow proper and the county in which Moscow sits.  I'm seeing a lot of intriguing issues being raised from both the Left and Right on your email forum.

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