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Re: death penalty

Doug wrote, in part,

"We have been asked about the contradictory positions taken, not only by absolutists, but by Christian absolutists. The example cited was the death penalty. But the example is poorly drawn. Everyone supports the death penalty. It is another example of "not whether, but which." Do we execute the serial murderer, or do we "execute" his next victim because he is still around to perpetrate such crimes? So I support the death penalty for certain crimes bacause I prefer to have fair trials precede the executions I would support."


Would you please explain your statement "Everyone supports the death penalty."  I assume you cannot be referring to the sanction imposed by the state, as a sentence after a guilty plea or conviction, when you make this comment, but I could be wrong.  Certainly you could not also be saying that those who oppose such a penalty also endorse the notion that we should not punish the serial killer, thus leaving him free to kill.


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