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rally rumor and misinformation control

Sorry to post more rally info, but we've had some more disinformation spread 
on v2020 that deserves rebuke.
Lucy Zoe claimed "a guy who had the guts to admit that a rally about giving 
women the right to bare their breasts in public was every guys wet dream 
(his words...not mine. Hopefully they'll leave that unedited on the tape)"
This is untrue.  I've listened to the tape.  Unless Lucy had a personal 
conversation with someone at the rally, the closest quote from someone who 
spoke was.
"Is this a John Ashcroft wetdream, or what?"
Ashcroft is the US Attorny General.  This was the speaker's opening comment 
in reference to the rally.  The joke is that dissenters of the government 
were gathered is one convenient space.
His speach went on to make the point that we have an administration that is 
infringing on civil liberties.  He said Ashcroft has revoked the Freedom of 
Information Act and citizens are no longer able to gain access to our 
governments records.  His concluding point was that we have an 
administration hot and heavy for war and now we have a city council that has 
made the public display of breasts, the "nourishers of life," illegal.  
Makes you wonder what we value.  Irony at its worst.

I did not find any comments that hinted at "hatred of Christians" as Lucy 
said she heard.  Comments were made about religious zeal and it's influence 
on governement.  Comments were made about religions involvement with wars,
"We should ban the combustion engine for all the pollution and corruption 
it’s caused.  We should ban priests for all the pedophilia they’ve waged.  
We should ban religion for all the killing, torture and suffering carried 
out in its name.  We should ban the Internet for all the porno and 
disinformation it enables access to.  Are breast’s more destructive then any 
of the above?
With this logic, anybody who makes me feel a way I don’t want to feel, like 
corrupt politicians who make me angry, should be banned.
That is ridiculous as well."

but no one is condeming Christians.

Lucy said, "I was, listening to adults, men and women, talk on and on about 
how important it was to be free to do with your breasts as you please."
Well, people talked about freedom from repressive laws.  But from my 
conversations with folks, most people don't care to show their bare bodies 
in public.  Including breasts.  We just find it outrageous that a city 
council passed this stupid law.  If we don't hold them accountable, what 
else will they pass with a "knee-jerk reaction?"

"One step forward...three steps back."
No, by standing up and saying we don't want sexist and unconstitutional 
laws, we are leaping forward.  Particularly when we can discuss sexism 
publicly and then strive to live together as humans more peacefully.

I wish those who "heard" the controversial comments would LISTEN.  I hope 
these rumors about the rally are not widespread and will be doused with 
revelation.  If you want to hear for yourselve, recordings of the rally are 
still available.

I suppose this is an indication that people hear and see what they want to 

If you want to see a woman's breast as sexual or offensive, that is your 
right.  I see them as a beautiful symbol of the power of creation and the 
power of a woman to nourish life.

If you want to see us as a perveted bunch of rabble rousers, that is your 
right.  I see us as defenders of equality and respect for woman.

If you want to see this as a "titty" fest, that is your right.  I see this 
as an opportunity for woman to empower themselves, reclaim their rights as 
humans and show us that woman are more than sex objects to be regulated by 

Garrett Clevenger

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