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RE: Crime creation

Scott Dredge wrote:
"Bare female breasts cause crime?  I've never heard of
such a thing.  Can you email me a link to any of these studies/reports?
I claim to be neither liberal nor conservative, nor do I have an agenda,
but I would like to read how bare female breats create crime."

<sigh>  I've not had a chance to try to track down these supposed
"studies" (and would also be grateful for the information if anyone
finds them online, even though I *am* a liberal ;-)), but I wouldn't be
surprised if the thinking is similar to that from not too long ago where
a rape victim was "asking" for it for doing something as "trashy & lewd"
as wearing a tight sweater or short skirt.

IOW, there is likely an element, once again, of blaming an entire gender
(women) for the independent actions of others (typically males).

Should certainly sound familiar to some here . . . 

Saundra Lund
Moscow, Idaho

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to
do nothing.
Edmund Burke

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