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Re: flushing liberals

Ben Merkle wrote,
"Of course the question regarding full nudity is a foolish question. Some 
things we ought to be able to dismiss with a laugh. Just like the topless 
question. But in recent vision 2020 messages and particularly in the 
testimony at the City Council meeting, the charge has continually been 
leveled that conservatives must be ashamed of breasts because they want them 
covered in public. That sort of charge is so ridiculous that we ought to all 
laugh away as we hit the delete key. But for some reason we find a 
significant portion of the public actually echoing the refrain, all the 
while insisting that the southern hemisphere be covered. So I want to know 
why the inconsistency?"

OK, I admit that I wasn't at the City Council Meeting, having found that I 
would rather shove splinters under my fingernails than attend, so maybe I 
missed it: Who has insisted that the 'southern hemisphere' be covered?  
Either there or on this site?  I know I haven't; I just don't object to an 
ordinance that treats the genders equally, and won't care if the council 
says "Both of ye, man and woman alike, shall cover thy nethers, not that 
we've seen thy nethers in public anyway, but who knows, one day it may 
happen that thy nethers are seen publicly, and that just won't do."  I hope 
the Council will then tackle that tricky 'Falling Sky' issue.

On the other hand, I do object to an ordinance that singles out women. If 
the Moscow taxpayers insist the council pass this ordinance, I hope they're 
ready to pay the bill for its defense. Just enforce existing laws, don't 
invent silly new ones.

"If someone is only walking down the street pantless, how does that force a 
hygiene problem on anyone? And any hygiene problem that there might be, the 
city obviously must be able to deal with since we have public restrooms 
where genitals are regularly exposed."

After applying the knowledge and analytical powers acquired during three 
sophomore years (at a public university, I can only say, "Huh?"  This one I 
just don't get.  Are you saying that city workers will follow this pantless 
and possibly excreting straw man and shove him into a public toilet? Are you 
attacking government toilets?  I don't follow you, which is good, because I 
might step in something.

Foolish? Immoral? I await your update,


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