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Re: Public Hearing

John Harrell wrote:
> Mrs. Loreca Stauber,
> Very interesting paragraph below regarding the '"takeover" of government'
> and 'the flushing out of the conservative religious fundamentalists' and
> 'their property acquisitions.'

It was pretty obvious to me that Loreca wasn't speaking
seriously. She was, in fact, registering her feelings that
"flushing out the fundamentalists" wasn't a worthy effort
and that people should get on with productive efforts to
improve our local society. She was, if I may be blunt,
siding WITH the fundamentalists.

I would urge the conservative religious fundamentalists to
not put their foot on the neck of Vision 2020, but to let
the list survive without multiple daily doses of
self-satisfied superiority. If the only people left
participating on Vision 2020 are "conservative religious
fundamentalists," it will be hard for them to recruit others
to their causes. With a little restraint all viewpoints,
including the exceptionally well-presented ones from the
"conservative religous fundamentalists," can be considered
by all of us.

Don Coombs

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