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RE: 7th Graders Islam Studies Spark Hate Mail, Lawsuits

John Harrell writes:

> After stripping away the hysterical and ludicrous it looks 
> like a noble attempt is being made by the public schools to 
> help children better understand that there are other 
> religions and cultures in the world. 

Are there any schools that *don't* do this?

The article makes it appear that you can teach world religions from a
generic, detached, morally neutral position. No subject can be so taught
-- every subject has an epistemological starting point that is not
morally neutral. The fact that our government schools think they can is
both self-deception and public-deception. 

> That is one reason why 
> my children attend public schools. Sincerely, John A. Nagy Moscow

No one has ever said that a parent doesn't have a right to send his
children to school wherever he chooses.

The discussion has been that is not the constitutional responsibility of
the civil government to educate our children -- it is the parent's
responsibility to "outsource" that however so he sees fit -- homeschool,
co-ops, institutions, boarding schools, etc.

Dale Courtney
Moscow, ID

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