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Some Schools Banning "Tag", "Dodge Ball", "Hide-n-Seek"

Here's another bit of silliness affecting public schools I thought all
the visionaries would find interesting. 

Mr. Tim Kinkade, of this happening here in MSD, yet?

John Harrell


Chuck Muth, Editor/Publisher 

Kids Games

One of our readers recently sent me a note asking if I'd heard anything
about efforts to ban the kids' game "Tag."  In fact, I have.

Patrick Hruby wrote about the PC attacks on all kinds of kids' games in a
Washington Times story back in May.  Here are some highlights (or
low-lights, rather) about games these goofballs think should be banned from
the playground.

TAG is out because it favors "fast children over slower ones; creates
potential for inappropriate touching and/or sexual harassment; (plus)
designation of one child as 'it' ostracizes said child from the overall
group and may result in long-term feelings of shame and embarrassment."

Instead of tag, the wingnuts suggest playing "Shake," where "children chase
each other in order to shake hands and exchange pleasantries" and no one is

DODGE BALL is a no-no because it's "too violent, too exclusionary, too,
well, NASTY."  Neil Williams, the bozo who's leading an effort to ban dodge
ball from schools says, "It's like giving each of the kids a hammer in shop
class, having them put their hands on the table, then seeing if you can slam
a kid's hand with the hammer before he can get out of the way."

No it's not.  Not even close.  But wouldn't you like to see someone smash
Williams' hand with a hammer, though?

HIDE-N-SEEK's gotta go say opponents because it, "Forces children to 'hide'
from others, undercutting self-esteem (and) discriminates against obese
children, who are less likely to find adequate hiding places."  Gimme a

The PC'ers suggest "Wave-n-Smile" instead.  In this stupid game, "one child
closes his or her eyes and counts to 10; the others scatter around the field
of play.  When the child opens his or her eyes, the other children wave and
smile from their positions."

Oh, yeah.  That sounds like a LOT more fun.

And finally, MUSICAL CHAIRS gets the old heave-ho.  You see, it's
"inappropriate for deaf children;" the "musical accompaniment (is)
potentially ethnocentric," and "children who are eliminated may feel 'left
out' or consider themselves 'losers.'"

No, the losers are the idiots who suggest that instead of musical chairs,
kids play "Special Chairs," where "children sit on chairs that are arranged
in a circle" and the "instructor tells each child one-by-one that they are a
'special, special person.'"

I think I'm gonna go toss my cookies.  Is that a game?

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