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Abraham Lincoln on "under God"

Hey ya'all, 

I just came across this and thought it interesting enough to
share with everyone on Vision2020.

In the Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln called for Americans to
dedicate themselves "to the great task remaining before us" and "that this
nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom." Lincoln must be
rolling over in his grave after the latest goofy ruling from the most
liberal and overturned court in the land.

On June 26, a panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco
ruled our Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional simply because of two
words Lincoln used in his Gettysburg Address: "under God." In their
misguided, twisted ruling, two judges on this three-judge panel believe
including those two simple words is akin to a government establishment of an
official religion.

The court said "under God" is a violation of the alleged separation of
church and state -- despite the fact that no language in the Constitution or
subsequent legislative history makes any mention of any such separation.
These judges are trying to turn the freedom OF religion into a freedom FROM

As Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) notes, the First Amendment of the Constitution
"does not bar religious expression in public settings or anywhere else. In
fact, it expressly PROHIBITS federal interference in the free expression of
religion. Far from mandating strict secularism in schools, it instead bars
the federal government from prohibiting the Pledge of Allegiance, school
prayer, or any other religious expression. The politicians and judges
pushing the removal of religion from public life are violating the First
amendment, not upholding it."

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