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US highway 95 discussion

This discussion is being reduced to personal attacks, but that's not 
what this is about.  The first things I'm addressing here are safety, 
the so called 'native' plants, and the view.

As for the safety issue, the choice is a no brainer.  Route 10A is by 
far better.  On 10A the accesses can be limited, the building can be 
controlled.  Access roads can be added when population calls for it.  

On the environment and the view, the people who have pushed roads in and 
have built houses have already destroyed that.  For us who have lived 
here for a long time, the houses on the ridge are an eye sore!  It makes 
me laugh that the people building the houses on the ridge had no problem 
digging up the ground for their foundations and roads, but when someone 
wants to do something for the good of the majority, then the 
environmental sh#@ hits the fan.

And then there is the native plants argument.  Since the entire ridge 
has been farmed or hayed or pastured in the not so distant past, the 
native plants were gone long ago.  If they have somehow survived, isn't 
it possible they are strong enough and determined enough to take over 
the road banks and flourish again?

If Route 6 is chosen, maybe all those who lose homes and businesses 
should relocate to Paradise Ridge.  Since individual homes are seem 
somehow pallatable, that would be a compromise worth looking into.

Tim Clyde

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