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Re: rumor control

New to this so I beg you to forgive any preaches of

Our group generally organizes on campus.  It is our
home away from home.  We contacted the Human Rights
Campagn for advice and this is their reply.  It's also
posted on the website

I'd be more than willing to silently collect money on
campus.  It's difficult for me to ignore such a man on
the grounds I've called my home.

long post following:

Hi Dona and Selena,

Thanks for email.  Fred Phelps is repugnant little 
reptile who feeds off
media attention, and it saddens me to live in a world 
with people like him.
It never gets easier, you know?  Anyway, I hope he 
comes and goes with
barely a peep.  However, I have a great suggestion for

you, based upon what
folks in Ann Arbor, MI did when Phelps came to their 
town (see article
below).  They held a pledge drive and encouraged 
people to donate money for
every minute that Phelps remained.  It really got his 
goat, if you will.
You could easily organize this, and it seems like it 
would be much more
effective than a counter-demonstration.   This COULD 
be your counter
demonstration, and how!  You could have the money go 
to either the student
group, or to Your Family, Friends and Neighbors, or to

both.  You may also
want to include a social services organization that 
deals with HIV/AIDS,
since so much of Phelps negative rhetoric is the 
vilification of those who
are HIV+.  You could also have people pledge per flag 
that he burns, etc.  

I am curious to know what the formal response from the

University is, since
this is to be held on school grounds, no?      

Dan Furmansky
Western Field Organizer
Human Rights Campaign
919 18th St., NW  Suite 800
Washington, DC  20006
(202) 216-1582
(202) 347-5323 fax 

ANN ARBOR, MI - When the Reverend Fred Phelps came to 
town, the gay
community here decided not to get mad. They decided to

get rich.

Among the Ann Arbor locales the Kansas-based Phelps 
and his band elected to
picket was the /aut/ BAR, a gay-owned restaurant, bar 
and community
gathering place. When co-owner Keith Orr heard that 
his establishment was
being targeted, he wanted to respond constructively. 
He and his partner,
Martin Contreras, did not want to promote a 
counter-demonstration, feeling
that Phelps gains the most attention - and hence is 
most effective - when he
provokes anger and outrage from his opponents. Rather,

Orr decided to use
his Phelps visit to the community1s advantage.

Phelps's plans to picket the bar came to light only 
two days prior to his
scheduled February 17, 2001 demonstration. With little

time, Orr used the
Internet to organize a unique fund-raising scheme. In 
an email message to
customers, supporters, and friends, he proposed that 
people pledge money to
the Washtenaw Rainbow Action Project (WRAP), a local 
gay advocacy group and
community center, for every minute that Phelps 
picketed the bar. In this
way, Orr explained, the longer Phelps stayed to spew 
hate, the more money he
would raise for WRAP. He and Contreras kicked off the 
drive by pledging $1
per minute. Contreras explained why he felt it was 
important to organize a
response to Phelps. "When I was first coming out 
fifteen years ago people
told me, "You've got to watch out for this so-called 
reverend from Kansas
named Phelps. He's out to wage war against the gay 
community." He had been
showing up at funerals of people who had died of AIDS 
with signs claiming
that gay people would burn in hell. At the time he was

just a blip on the
radar screen. But when he protested at Matthew 
Shepherd's funeral he became
a national menace."

At the same time, Orr continued, "I didn't want to 
give Phelps what he
wanted," meaning a counter-demonstration. "But just 
ignoring him seemed
wrong." Only two minutes after Orr sent out his email 
message pledges began
to pour in, not only from Ann Arbor, but from as far 
away as New Hampshire,
Texas and California. The pledge drive gained such 
momentum that by the day
of Phelps's demonstration - only 48 hours after Orr 
and Contreras kicked off
the drive - friends and supporters of Ann Arbor's gay 
community had promised
to contribute a total of $107 for every minute Phelps 
picketed bar.

"When I began the pledge drive I wasn't necessarily 
expecting anything big,"
Orr said. "I just wanted to give people an opportunity

to turn Phelps's
message of hate into something positive for our 
community." Even so, the
size and speed of the response surprised him. 
"Normally a fund-raising event
of this magnitude takes months of planning and a lot 
of up-front costs. In
48 hours we raised over $6000 without spending a dime.

I was astonished."

Pledges arrived in diverse amounts and from a wide 
range of sources. They
varied in amount from as little as 10 cents per minute

to as much as 5
dollars per minute. "The great thing about this kind 
of fund-raiser is that
no one is excluded. People can participate at any 
economic level," said Orr.
The range of contributors included neighboring 
business owners, a high
school Gay/Straight Alliance and individual members of

the Ann Arbor police

On February 17, the day of the protest, Phelps's band 
numbered only four
adults and two small children. Instead of confronting 
the hate-mongerers and
giving them the attention they craved, over one 
hundred community members
and supporters gathered in the bar on a Saturday 
afternoon, celebrating
while they counted the minutes that Phelps's cronies 
stood outside raising
money for Ann Arbor1s gay community.

That afternoon WRAP Board member Linda Lombardini 
received one notable
pledge. "A father and his young son were driving past 
the bar and saw the
protestors out front," she explained. "The son asked 
his father who they
were and what they were doing there. The father 
stopped the car and brought
his son into the restaurant to demonstrate to him that

gay people are no
different from anyone else. When he realized that we 
were holding a
fundraiser he handed his son a ten-dollar bill to give

to me."

"We view this as a form of economic containment," Orr 
said. "Phelps is free
to spread his message, however perverse we find it, 
wherever he wants. The
First Amendment protects his right to do that. But we 
turned what could have
been a negative into a positive. This has been an 
community-building experience for us. "We hope that 
cities and towns across
the country will do this everywhere he goes. I get a 
charge thinking that
every time he hits the road he will help us build our 
communities and fund
our organizations."

Marsha L. Benz, MPH, MA

Health Promotion and Community Relations

University Health Service

207 Fletcher St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1050


734-763-7506 FAX



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