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Re: I'm a fag-enabler, too

Hi Folks

I am going to wax philisophical for a minute here so bear with me or delete
the post ;-)  I am uncomfortable with the term fag and the combination
fag-enabler.  I won't label my neighbors with that kind of epitath the same
way I won't call them a nigger, kike, wog, slope or any of the names we
humans seem to come up with so easily .  When I talk to them in person or
electronically whether it be the Doug's, Daniel, Joan, Don or whoever, I try
to deal with them as people.  As long as all the folks involved are adults,
I don't really care in what combination they have found happiness.  I am
just glad they have as it is so rare to find someone to share forever with.
I rarely have long discussions with people about their sexuality.  I am a
geek by vocation and personality and have been married to the same woman for
24 years.  Its the case of two book worms who found each other quite young
and have been living happily ever after in our respective piles of books ;-)
It is not a subject I am really comfortable with.

I am very uncomfortable with Mr. Phelps's message in his web site and I even
have issues with the titles of his web site.  In my book God doesn't hate
fags or anybody from Adolf Hitler to Attila the Hun.  He does judge us and I
am sure he has been disappointed in some of the stunts I have pulled in my
life ;-) but hate is not there.  

It seems to be a running theme with people who want to find reasons to put
down their neighbors to label them with some title and ever after impune
certain ideals and morals to them.  The titles don't matter as I have heard
everything from "Christian" to "Darwinist" to "Modernist" used in this
debate and now we get down to "fags".  By clustering people and putting them
in little boxes, people thoughout the ages  have found that they can make
the targets of such abuse appear less than themselves and feel better by it.
It allows the labeller to attempt take away others rights by the simple
expedient of saying its for their own good.  I will not allow that to happen.  

So I reject the title of fag-enabler.  Mr. Phelps cannot define what I think
or how I believe.  That is my solemn duty.  I also will not let my neighbors
be labeled so when this individual comes to town, I will contribute from my
own coffers to the drive mentioned.  If I am in town, I will show my
feelings by attending the rally or the alternative described in the post
below.  There is a price for freedom and its eternal vigilance.  

Mark Rounds

Soap Box dissassembled and put away till next time ;-)

>    Fred Phelps, Baptist minister from Kansas, claims he is coming to
>Moscow on July 6 to burn a rainbow "gay flag" at the UI, in response to
>the prosecution of the UI students who stole a similar flag.
>    I went to his website (  Fred really is a
>full-service kind of bigot.  He seems to hate everyone.  Gay people, of
>course.  But also those who are even mildly supportive of gay people.
>Those he labels "fag-enablers."
>    I did not realize the number of "fag-enablers" in this country.
>Fred says that the Rev. Billy Graham is a "fag-enabler."  President
>George W. Bush is a "fag-enabler," but First Lady Laura Bush is a
>    Then it struck me: I am a fag-enabler, too.
>    I am glad to treat gays and lesbians as actual humans.  I am pleased
>that in Moscow gays are our neighbors, friends, and co-workers.
>    So, what am I going to do as a newly-discovered fag-enabler?  Well,
>I decided not to attend Fred's little flag-burning party at the UI.
>Arousing crowds is his business, it's how he makes his living.  He sells
>    Instead, the Palouse gay community and its enabling friends will be
>at the counter-rally at the Farmer's Market on July 6, and then two
>weeks later at the Palouse Pride Festival at East City Park, July 20.
>Those will be two more comfortable events for this fag-enabler.
>ps. I also decided to include Fred in this email.  He might be curious
>as to the number of fag-enablers here in Moscow.  Fred's email is

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