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Wombs away!

Doug W. wrote:

>Your ardent defense of reproductive rights amounts to the "prevention" 
> >(let us use Orwellian) of a significant number of children growing up >in 
>your homes.  Your children cannot pass on your values if one of >your 
>values is to not have children. And Christians have decided to >stop being 
>the breeders for the government school system. "Not with my >kids, you 

>Your strategy keeps you at that vibrant and future oriented 1.4 >children 
>per household. Best of luck.

Tsk, tsk, these assumptions.  I have more than my statistically fair share 
of offspring, though, oddly enough, I've always considered them a joy and a 
blessing rather than an expansion of my political base.  Thanks for pointing 
out the error of my ways, Doug.  It's not too late to get out there and make 
a few more foot soldiers for the culture wars: there's life in the old girl 

Breeding my way to a better tomorrow,
Auntie Establishment

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