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"But intellectual apathy preserves nothing."

Hmm…very interesting…. Guess I'll spin.

Preservation of what? A construct?

Fine then, let's build something.

If only you had the knowledge of a mustard seed……

Perhaps this is a statement about the power of life itself …evolution.

If the suggested originator of life were to be cornererd by the arogance of human intellect and an attemp made to kill it by pinning it "God" down (to a cross lets say), what tool is at "God's" disposal to see to it that all "future" life is not extinguished?……..Evolution!

This is exactly the very tune of the existence of life itself….Talken bout some evolution. Those who believe in "JESUS" and don't believe in evolution?…have no faith!

A person can stand on the bible to defend their faith if they wish, but it will never mean anything because a Bible is no different than the boat Christ and the disciples set out in.

If technology, formed from the hand of man, is so great then why did He step out of the boat?

Jesus the great evolutionary showed the way, and you are stuck on a raft built out of a book?

Get off it man.

No doubt in my mind that something bigger than us is going on all around and you DO have to ask to find out, then record, interpret, and then ask again.(in an act of good science, my friend). You can't just look for what you think you know or you will always find the same exact path.

The beaten path makes for the smoothest ride, until the road washes out. You can stop in the gully, work to preserve the exact path, and chance standing in the flood zone, or choose to take another option and just get past it ….Why that’s Evolutionary, Watson.

To pin it all down and "define" reality by one book of words, words being only metaphors (or little human controlled representatives) and not the continued fluid motion of the complex reality around you is an act of wearing blinders.

A Bible or a church are "cheap suits" that cover more than they reveal of Life, the ocean, the sky, or even one little seed.

"But intellectual apathy preserves nothing." Nothing intellectual anyway.

Evolution is the preservation of life itself. Only with a twist.


David Sarff






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