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Re: That's yodeling, boys, not squealing!

Doug J. wrote:
>How do you reconcile your egalitarianism with your individualism?
>Egalitarianism tends to squash individualism, and vice versa. That is,
>what is it in your universe that provides a moral reason for favoring
>the group over the individual? (It would be nice if we could avoid the
>evolution/relativism path).

Why would egalitarianism necesarily squash individualism?  Unless the 
particular individualism you propose requires the subjugation of dissent, I 
can't see how valuing the individual is incompatible with valuing the group.

Again, I would turn to the U.S. constitution, which attempts to strike a 
balance between the will of the majority with the inalienable rights of the 

Here's to the pursuit of happiness with all due respect for life and 
Auntie E.

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