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FW: That's yodeling, boys, not squealing!

Great Joan, great to have you hang around and chat,

> I included links to Credenda Agenda in my
> post so that people on this list could read your work and evaluate it
> themselves.  Is that, in fact, the problem?  

I included even more links. Where's the problem? 

> Let's not put Descartes before de horse, Dougs.  I haven't gone
> squealing or otherwise . . . .
> As for what I believe, I believe that women are fully equal to men,
> blacks are equal to whites who are equal to Asians who are equal to
> Native Americans, and the aborigines of Papua New Guinea.  (And I
don't mean
> "separate but equal" in that Plessy vs. Ferguson way I found so much
> evidence on your website.) 

I'm grateful you're willing to hang around and defend your views.
Perhaps we could start with the above quote. I believe all these things,
too (except your imputation of the Plessy fiction), because I'm a
Trinitarian (ultimate reality involves radical equals in a hierarchy of
love). How do you reconcile your egalitarianism with your individualism?
Egalitarianism tends to squash individualism, and vice versa. That is,
what is it in your universe that provides a moral reason for favoring
the group over the individual? (It would be nice if we could avoid the
evolution/relativism path). 

Doug Jones

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