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Re: pluralism and coercion

I have been puzzled by the inferences to exclusivity of different schools.
It seems to me that schools, public or private, are not exclusive, but that
parents, in deciding where to live and where to school their children, are
acting to exclude schools by choice.  Now an argument could be made that
cost of schooling acts against parent wishes at times, but public schools
are not free, as seen by the recent levy increase.  A parent could want to
send their children to MSD but not be able to live in the community because
of the high cost of living, due in part to high local property taxes.  At
one point in time it was costing me $250 out of pocket expenses for my two
children to enter the front door of MSD in the fall.  These fees were
attached to various activities.
The concept of "free" public education is not real.  Public education does
cost, with those who can afford more subsidizing those who cannot afford
much, through various higher taxes.  Income taxes work this way, while
property taxes do not.

John Danahy

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