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RE: On test, students can get 77% of answers wrong

this in response to a post by John Harrell

...And for the college students, they were recently treated to the "Vagina
Monologues" at the UI. At least the college students are not required to
attend such nonsense, but such garbage has been required for the younger
students at many schools across the country.

I would agree that the error ratio has reached a ridiculous level, to the
point that being able to sing your name and just show up is all that's
needed to pass tests.  But as far as the "garbage" that is being forced on
kids, and collage students,  I disagree whit you.  I have read the play, and
although I was unable to attend the U of I showing I heard it was well
received.  It is considered one of the best written feminist dialectics of
the 20th century Quite frankly if you or anyone else is viewing education as
a assembly line and how well a student does on test scores, and not as a
time to experience the world and other view points to become better people,
then your not educating.  Now I'm not saying that the scholastic elements of
an education system are not important, but they are not all encompassing.

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