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DN editorial on corridor


The Daily News had a good editorial this morning about Whitman County
Commissioners and their vote on permitting a concrete plant in the
Moscow-Pullman corridor.  The paper took the position that the
commissioners are unwilling to take public opinion into account in the
permit decision.

I agree about the importance of public input.  And I dread the day when we
have four or five traffic lights on Highway 270.  Nonetheless, I've always
had a sinking feeling that the Whitman County Commissioners simply have no
other option but development -- WHATEVER they can get -- between Moscow and
Pullman.  Like elected officials in most rural counties, they face
unrelenting fiscal pressure.  Residents want more services but are
unwilling to pay higher taxes.  And there is a very small tax base in a
sparsely developed area like Whitman County.  

The Daily News editorial board advocates "quality" development in the
corridor.  But to my knowledge, not a lot of quality developers have
stepped up to the plate.  I once had a pie-in-the-sky idea that the two
land grant universities might help come up with some creative, bold
thinking about how to address the commissioners' dilemma.  Boy, was *I*
dreaming ...

Anyone else have thoughts on this?

Priscilla Salant

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