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Notice of Public Hearing

				  Wednesday, May 15, 2002
					  7:00 P.M.
The Latah County Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday,
May 15, 2002, in Room 2-B of the Latah County Courthouse, Moscow, Idaho, to
receive comments on:

7:05 P.M.  CUP #633 - A request by Wayne DeWitt for a second dwelling on an
approximately 117-acre parcel of land located at 5224 Robinson Park Road,
Moscow, in Section 1, Township 39 North, Range 5 West, B.M., Tax Assessor's
parcel number RP39N05W010040A, in Latah County.

All interested parties are encouraged to attend the hearing.  Accommodations
for individuals who qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act are
available upon request.  Notice is required in the Planning Office three
working days prior to the hearing in order to acquire accommodations.

This hearing will be held pursuant to the Latah County Hearing Procedures
Ordinance and under authority of the Idaho Local Planning Act, the Latah
County Comprehensive Plan, the Latah County Zoning Ordinance, and the Latah
County Subdivision Ordinance.  The Zoning Commission reserves the right to
limit the length of testimony.  It also reserves the right to consider other
zoning designations as may be found to be appropriate.

Additional information on this request, including a full copy of the
proposal, is available from the Planning Department at the Latah County
Courthouse, Moscow, Idaho.  Phone (208) 883-7220.  Written comments will be
accepted at the above office prior to the public hearing.

Bill Belknap
Associate Planner

(This is a public service announcement)

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