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Re: Money

Mr. Kerr:
The money has come from private donations, most of 
which were collected and dispersed by CQE.  The district 
has not spent any taxpayer money to promote the levy.  
Some money has been spent to provide information in a 
variety of sources.  Examples include information on 
voting (where, when, absentee voting), district changes if 
the levy fails, district changes if the levy passes, why the 
need for a levy, and answering questions that members of 
the community have posed.  I believe the majority of the 
money that the district has spent was in the form of a 
newsletter to community members.  The district sends 
newsletters several times each year, so those were not 
"extra" funds caused by the levy.

Mike Curley

On 22 Apr 02, at 8:26, Bill Kerr wrote:

Date forwarded: 	Mon, 22 Apr 2002 08:26:28 -0700 (PDT)
Date sent:      	Mon, 22 Apr 2002 08:26:07 -0700
From:           	Bill Kerr <>
Subject:        	Money
Forwarded by:

Where has all the money come from to spend on the 
signs and posters for this "say yes to kids" campaign?

Bill Kerr

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