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pesticide disposal program

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) will sponsor a pesticide disposal program this spring.  This program is designed to collect unusable pesticides from farmers, homeowners, pesticide applicators, researchers, pesticide dealers, and so on.  Herbicides, rodenticides, fungicides, insecticides and all other "-ides" can be accepted through the program.  There is no charge for participating in this program. 
The nearest collection to Moscow will be held May 17 at the Nez Perce County Fairgrounds (1229 Burrel) in Lewiston.  Collections run from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  For more information, please check the ISDA's Pesticide Disposal Program website at
Robin Baumgartner
Recycling Operations Manager
Latah Sanitation, Inc./Moscow Recycling
PO Box 9385
Moscow, ID  83843
ph:  208-882-0590
fax:  208-882-2925

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