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Re: Buttons and Brochures

I pinned on a button for the first time Tuesday.  I had a meeting 
with a member of upper management that morning.  He asked if it 
was about the levy.  "When is the vote", he asked.  I informed him 
of time and place, etc.  I do not know how he will vote and it was 
not the meeting for me to campaign, BUT the button DID do some 
civic good, whether the vote is yes or no.  I would have to say that 
it is not a waste of money and the the children will be educated 
through it one way or another.

Joan Campbell
On 26 Mar 02, at 22:32, John Danahy wrote:

> It has always seemed strange to me that some people raise money to be spent
> on buttons and brochures instead of on kids and education.  What a waste!

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