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No Subject

March 7, 2002

Dear City Council Members

I write to you today, to encourage you to stop being obstructionistic,
waffleers, and approve the landscape plan for the Palouse Mall.  This is
ridiculous,  more than ridiculous this is embarrassing to the City of

You are not spending tax dollars.  This is a private project which meets the
State of Idaho guidelines for roadway right-of-way.  It more than meets your
Community Forestry Ordinance.  The landowner, the University of Idaho,
approves of the landscape plan. The leaseholder, the Palouse Mall,  is
spending their own dollars to pay for this improvement to their property.

This issue has had WAY more than it’s deserved 15 minutes in the spotlight.
There are serious governing issue facing this city, and the spending of
private money on landscaping is not one of those issues.

The people who have been most vocal against this issue will only be happy
when you erect a 20 foot high fence around the property.  No other business
owner past, present or future should have to endure the harassment and
procrastination you have subjected the Palouse Mall to.  I would not be
surprised if  other business owners never decide to beautify their property
if they have to endure the crap you have put the mall through.

I urge you, get over this issue now, and get on with the job you were
elected for.  Spending our tax dollars in the most efficient and effective


Jerry L. Schutz

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