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when you are up to your *** in alligators,....trolley for downtown

Dear Visionaries:
when you are up to your *** in alligators, it's hard to remember the
original plan was to drain the swamp. 
The original reason for this website was to discuss a vision for Moscow's
future I thought. 
Can we get back to that please? I think when some folks have resorted to
using this as a haranguing center, to discuss the past, or to vehemently
argue national/international politics, it makes me feel like sending
everybody home to take a nap and come back when you feel better.
So, in the spirit of envisioning some future improvements....Has anybody
besides me seen or used the trolley in Downtown Walla Walla? It circles the
campus and downtown...I really think such a vehicle would help the downtown
parking problem.  It could cycle from the Sweet Ave. university parking lot,
near where the proposed  visitor' center might be, through the downtown to
both malls and back...And if we ever get a bypass, it could bring folks from
a lot near an exit into town.
Businesses could give passes, as in validated parking?
I know Mike Curley and several of the downtown committee folks have heard me
promote this, and I think Dan Schoenberg (spelling?) said he actually had
found a trolley/shuttle to use on campus as a trial. I have not seen it, and
would like to hear if anyone else has.  Sooner or later, the parking needs
to be addressed. Some ideas?
to implement?
I would like to hear some positive ideas, variations etc.
Sue Scott Camas Winery

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