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Re: Is Clinton Still President?

Mike Rush wrote:
... Sorry, I like John Ashcroft.  Is it that you cannot tolerate a devoted Christian? 
Dear Vision2020:

I accused Ashcroft of being an intolerant religious "fundamentalist", indistinguishable from the Taliban fundamentalists. I have no idea, nor do I care, what religion or church he belongs to, nor whether he is devout or not -- spare me from politicians telling me how moral and devout they are! I like my religion and government kept separate. This sometimes causes small inconvenience, but, overall, it is for the best. Our nation's founders were very wise in thinking so.

No, the problem I have with Ashcroft is that he really believes that he is right and everyone else is wrong and anyone who questions his totalitarian, un-American measures is an Enemy of the State:

*    Ashcroft says any American who questions his policies is a traitor -- the hallmark of despotism.
*    Ashcroft says he does not want any rules to inhibit his freedom to do whatever he likes -- "Trust me", Ashcroft says -- and I get icy shivers of terror down the back of my neck.
*    Ashcroft wants to hold people in secret government custody, without identifying them, without bringing charges, and without any rights or procedures to question the detention -- this was one of the most significant causes of our revolution against the English -- when did Bush suspend habeas corpus?
*    Ashcroft says no jury trials, no public trials, no right to confront the witnesses, no lawyer, no right to present a defense, no presumption of innocence, no privilege to speak with a lawyer in confidence -- this legal system of Ashcroft's is NOT America, it is fascism.
*    Ashcroft wants to bring back torture -- to what depths will we sink?
*    Ashcroft works to strip women of their rights, while putting curtains in front of a statue of a bare-breasted woman -- again, just like the Taliban: imprison women and tear down statues you don't like.

Odd that Ashcroft was thrown out of the Senate in the last election by the voters of his own state, who found his brand of fundamentalism too much even in that conservative, middle American state (but, he's back at the federal trough!), and odd that Bush didn't really win the election, yet these two extremists are running our country and they are dead set on burying the Constitution.

Excuse me, I have to go, there are some Men in Black knocking at my door...

Duncan Palmatier

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