Re: Is Clinton Still President?
No, thank God, Clinton is not still
President. Go back to bed.
I, however, have pulled myself in to the Bush
Presidency (applause). The problem begins when in order to criticize Bush,
the Clinton 'wonder years' are brought up. I just point out a few of the
real 'Clinton Legacy' issues to bring the left back to reality.
Sorry, I like John Ashcroft. Is it that you
cannot tolerate a devoted Christian? Does your toleration end at the steps
of the religious? Or do you only tolerate the humanistic
Well I guess paying for the war effort is not worth
deficit spending. By the way, have I woke up from the nightmare that
Clinton was president, and found myself back in the Reagan years?
And just how is 'public university education'
gone? Las I heard the Pell Grant budget (for the grants) is
increasing. Did I understand incorrectly?
Bushes corporate friends? Which ones?
Kenneth LAy? Oh I thought he operated under the Clinton most of the
time. Bush just now has to deal with the mess.
Anti-worker, anti union? Well I guess the
proposal to ensure the safety of 401(k)'s and retirements in the event of a
companies collapse ( which Bush just proposed) is anti-worker.
No, I was wrong. Don't go back to bed.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
Mike Rush
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 11:19
Subject: Is Clinton Still
Mike Rush wrote:
>... Monica Lewinski ... Paula Jones ... Katryn Willey ... Lying to a Grand Jury UNDER OATH ... Must have been 'busy' with Denise Rich and her two friends ... some dignity and self respect ...
Dear Vision2020:
Have I wakened from a nightmare of a Bush presidency to find Clinton is
still president?
Or, are there some people who cannot pull themselves away from the slop
trough of politically-motivated sex scandals to discuss current events?
Here are some up-to-date issues:
* President Bush and his fundamentalist, Taliban-like Attorney
General Ashcroft are working hard to destroy our Constitution and liberties;
* Prudent fiscal policies have been chucked out the window and are
being replaced by Reagan-era deficit spending, with the largest chunk
going as thinly veiled corporate gifts to defense contractors for
research into useless systems;
* Funding for education is being slashed, and the idea of "public"
university education, affordable by all, is completely gone;
* Bush's corporate friends and advisors, in whom he places uncritical
faith, are liars and crooks who stuff their pockets with money robbed
from ordi
nary workers;
* Anti-worker and anti-union legislation is the Republicans' priority.
So, chew on these a little.
I will go back to bed and dream of those halcyon Clinton-era days of
peace and prosperity and surpluses ...
Duncan Palmatier
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