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Re: Is it asking too much?

--- Mike Rush <> wrote:
--SNIP --
> 2) Logic - Enron = Bad -> Corporation = Bad
>                 Binalden = Bad -> Aribic People =
> Bad
>     Can't you follow it?

No.  These comparisons are not logical.  Enron is
a classic example of a corporation run amok with
no oversight to it's accounting and business
practice.  And coincidentally, they did a masterful
job lining many politicians pockets, both Republican
and Democrat, in order to be able to influence
energy policy.  Not all corporations are this bad.
I suspect there is a wide spectrum from ethical
to unethical thoughout the corporate marketplace.
All Arabic people are bad?  Wrong again.  You might
want to stick with arguing your point of view rather
than making some sweeping cynical charges of how
someone with different point of view might think.


> 6) As for a Dem in the White house.  Fine by me, as
> long as they agree with
> most of my political positions and have some dignity
> and self respect.  Care
> more for the country than for themselves.  Talk
> straight and keep thier
> actions 'Presedential'.  Too much to ask?
> Mike Rush

It's a heck of a lot to ask.  Sometimes the majority
of the 100 million or so voters who actually make it
to the polls on election night might elect a president
who doesn't agree with most of your political
positions and then you'll just need to be resigned to
stewing about a president who is unpopular to you
while he (or she) is in office and for years after his
(or her) term has ended.

The other bit of luck to all of this is that the
country needs to be running so well, as it was during
Clinton's eight years in office (I know hard to
he was elected to two terms wasn't it?), that the
opposing party has absolutely no other important
issues to deal with other than trying to knock the
person in the White House out of power.  And with
the GOP being the preachers, although not very good
practicers of morality (hypocrites would include
Henry Hyde, Bob Livingston, Newt Gingrich, Dan Burton,
Helen Chenowith...these were the ones criticizing
Clinton all the while thinking and probably hoping
no one would find the skeletons in there closets), why
not go after Clinton on a sex scandal?  After all,
rooting around in Whitewatergate, Travelgate, and
Filegate proved fruitless.  Trying to prove that
Clinton murdered Vince Foster didn't pan out either. 

Yes, I think it's asking a lot for politicians living
in DC in a fishbowl to behave like grown ups as not
very many of them act this way.  There's just to
much money trying to, and succeeding, in buying
influence, too many cable and national news cameras
begging for political posturing, and too many women
irresistably flashing their thong underwear.  At least
during the Clinton impeachment trial, each side showed
their true colors...13 white male House of 
Representative Managers trying to impeach and remove
an enormously popular president and a Presidential
defense team consisting of a white female, a black
female, and a man in a wheelchair.  It all just
reminded me of a quote from Harry S Truman, "The
Democratic party helps those who need help, the
Republican party helps those who don't need help."


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