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more MMG questions

#9   In reviewing my records I see that Link Transportation charged the Mardi 
Gras committee $200.00 for bus service in 1998. I also find that Link 
Transportation charged the committee $525.00 for bus service in 1999. Can 
someone please tell me why the large spread? I also understand that in 1999 
Link Transportation did not provide the bus service. Alpha Omega did. On the 
poster for 1999 it says "bus service provided by Link Transportation." Who 
provided bus service last year? Who's name is on the ticket as bus service 
provided by? Oh yeah............another typo missed by the 12 people? 

#10 A letter from ADA to Jerry Schutz states that The Moscow Social Club 
located above CJ's cannot have "the main event" because there is not ADA 
accessibility. When CJ's called the signature on the letter, and asked him if 
he even knew the ballroom held such an event he told CJ's he read it recently 
in the paper. The Daily News paper. The Daily News had not printed anything 
in months regarding Mardi Gras. By the way Jerry Schutz............why was 
the letter addressed to you?..........the gig is up.

#11 I understand Moscow Mardi Gras has contracted an attorney. Why? Is the 
attorney paid for by Mardi Gras funds that is supposed to go to the youth of 
Moscow? Simple questions can get simple answers.

Isn't it time for a new committee?.......................

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