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Re: Postpone taxcuts.

We're going in circles on this topic so this is my
last post.  We've just been through the largest
peacetime economic expansion in the history of
America. My belief is that SOME of this robust economy
can be
credited to Clinton, the Republican Congress, and
Alan Greenspan for doing things that were conducive
to producing a healthy economy like balancing the
budget and appropriately tightening/loosening short
term interest rates.  It just so happened that
Clinton raised taxes instead of cutting spending
to balance the budget.  Bush chose to cut taxes and
now needs to fund a war on terrorism, all of which has
lead to less spending on other programs that used to
funded.  The original email thread on postponing
the taxcuts was suggested because of severe budget
shortfalls at research institutions like the
of Idaho. answer your question in an inverse
way, cutting your taxes is leading to less money going
to places like the University of Idaho which in turn
eliminates jobs.  I happen to think that institutions
of higher learning actually do some good research
work on occasion that in turn fuels the economy
tremendously when they hit on a new technologies
and medical advances.  I wouldn't put this into
the category of welfare and I'm not sure how you
make this sort of connection between productive
research and a government giveaway...but hey, you
can blindly believe whatever ludicrous rhetoric is
being kneejerkly spewed such as "the Democrats want
people to be more dependent on government".  It's
not true, but that's the kind of crap you get when
you have one party trying to discredit the opposing
party...and both parties do that sort of weak attempt 
at trying to define their opponents simply for
political posturing.

It's not like any of us have a choice on whether or
not to pay higher or lower taxes.  Bush is sticking
to his guns and he's not going to consider reviewing
the tax cuts.  So...we'll all find out over the next
several years whether this was a stroke a genius
or a serious mistake.  I hope it's the former, but
I suspect cutting taxes, gutting programs, and
deficit spending are not the best approach for a
long term robust future economy.  Then again, time
will tell.


-- SNIP --
> And exactly how is having my taxes raised going to
> put someone back in their 
> job? Or are we talking funding welfare?
> Walter Steed

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