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Citizens for Quality Education

Dear Vision2020 members,

I just sent a note to the Jr. High list-serve letting them know about an 
important meeting on Thursday, February 7th, and I thought 2020 readers 
might also be interested.  Those of you who are on the Jr. High list-serve, 
please forgive the duplicate posting.



Dear MJHS parents and staff,

I just returned from the School Board's public meeting about the School 
District's budget proposal.  At that meeting there were opportunities for 
people to make comments and ask questions regarding the proposal presented 
on the 22nd.  It was a very good meeting and at the meeting I learned of a 
new group, Citizens for Quality Education.

This is what they say about themselves:

"Citizens for Quality Education (CQE) takes seriously the PUBLIC in our 
public schools.  We are composed of Moscow School District residents from 
all walks of life, including parents with children in school, retirees, and 
taxpayers without school-aged children."  They have as their principles:

-  It is desirable to preserve small class sizes.
-  It is desirable to preserve course offerings.
-  It is desirable to minimize the number of students moved
     from school to school within the district to equalize class
-  We will support a limited supplemental levy if we are
     satisfied it will adequately address these principles.

They have invited us to join them at their meeting next week:

Date:  Thursday, February 7th
Time:  7:00-8:30pm
Place: 1912 Center, 400 East 3rd

I encourage any of you interested in helping our community find a 
responsible way to maintain the quality of our schools to 
participate.  Their first meeting aims are:

  - Create a timeline for action
  - Organize committees for education and publicity
  - Organize committees for budget input
  - Organize committees for getting out the vote

If you are still reading this and want to know more about CQE, here is some 
more information about the organization:

CQE is an independent and non-partisan organization.  They see their role 
as three-fold:

(1)  "Providing unbiased information about the school district's financial 
situation and student performance."

(2)  "Monitoring the school board and the administrative council's efforts 
to balance the district budget, and offering comments where appropriate."

(3)  "Working to win voter support for any future school operating 
levy  once we are satisfied that the requested amount is fiscally prudent 
and maintains quality education."

Some of the people involved in CQE and who are acting as contacts you may 
already know:  Kenton Bird, Michael Cantrell, Ginger Dennis, Chuck Harris, 
Karen Jennings, Tim Kinkeade, Susan Mahoney, Jamie Nekich, Jack Porter and 
Dean Stewart.

If you'd like to participate on their email list, send an email to:


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