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Re: gasoline prices 1949-1999

Scott Dredge wrote:
> I don't see any flaw in the data.  The chart doesn't
> state anything about being adjusted for inflation,
> but it appears that the numbers have taken inflation
> into account.

I don't see any flaw in the data either. I'm sorry if my
earlier posting seemed to suggest that. And as long as the
numbers are all "1996 dollars" (or whatever the year was),
inflation has been adjusted for.

I wonder, however, what the true price of gasoline would be
if we calculated in the trillions of dollars this country
has invested in military action in the MidEast over the
years. If someone believes oil isn't the big reason we're in
the MidEast, and have been since British influence
shriveled, I'll accept that as that person's opinion. It
doesn't happen to be mine.

Don Coombs

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