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Ineresting Editorial

Crying Over Ear-muffed Terrorists
"The bleeding-heart liberals wringing their hands over the treatment of
terrorists in Guantanamo should listen to firefighter Chuck Downey. 'I'd
like these people who are so worried about these murderers to have
witnessed firefighters searching for their brothers at the World Trade
Center rubble, and pulling out pieces of people who were their friends.'
Chuck's dad, Deputy Chief Ray Downey, was the most decorated firefighter
in the country. He's still buried in that rubble. And the so-called
human-rights organizations, along with the knee-jerk anti-American
'intellectuals' in Europe, are crying their eyes out about how some of
the world's worst criminals spend their days in a sunny corner of Cuba." 
- Columnist Steve Dunleavy, New York Post, 1/22/02

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