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Agendas for Tues City Meetings

Tuesday, January 22, 2002		                  4:00 p.m.
206 East Third Street, 2nd Floor

1.	Approval of Minutes of December 17, 2001, and January 7 and 14, 2002
- Chris Bainbridge

2.	Request for Authority to Apply for Latah County Community Forestry
Program Grant - Roger Blanchard
		The Paradise Path Task Force is interested in applying for a
grant from Latah County to plant trees and shrubs adjacent to Paradise Path
east of Blaine Street.  There is no match required although an in-kind match
for volunteer labor and maintenance by City staff will be included in the
		Council Consent Agenda Item #1J
		ACTION:  Recommend authorizing staff to prepare the grant
for the Mayor's signature; or take other action as deemed appropriate.

3.  	Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation Grant Application - Brant
		As requested at the January 14, 2002 Administrative
Committee, staff will present additional information concerning funds
necessary as a match in order to apply for this grant.
		Council Consent Agenda Item #1E
		ACTION:  Recommend approval or denial of request; or take
such other action deemed appropriate.

4. 	Parking Enforcement Training Request - Dan Weaver
		The Police Department has invested a considerable amount of
money in its computer software program for parking control. The nearest
technical support and assistance is in New York and is very expensive. Staff
proposes to bring the training personnel to Moscow and through the course of
several days training, certify Wayne Brannock as our technical support
person. This will save money and make the program more useful. 
		Council Consent Agenda Item #1G
		ACTION:  Recommend authorizing staff to bring training to
Moscow; recommend denial of request, or take other action deemed

5. 	Request to Surplus Equipment - Dan Weaver
		The Police Department requests to surplus a Sig 226,
Semi-Automatic Pistol in its current inventory to provide Officer Sombret a
retirement gift per Police Department policy.  Sombret retires January 31,
		Council Consent Agenda Item #1H
		ACTION:  Recommend approval or denial of request; or take
such other action deemed appropriate.

6.	Proposed Resolution to Destroy Records - Chris Bainbridge
		Per Idaho State Code 50-907, records may only be destroyed
by resolution of the City Council after regular audit, and that such
resolution must list in detail records to be destroyed.
		Council Consent Agenda Item #1F
		ACTION:  Recommend approval of accompanying resolution; or
take such other action deemed appropriate.

Tuesday, January 22, 2002		          5:00 p.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor

1.	Approval of Minutes of January 14, 2002 - Chris Bainbridge

2.	Accounts Payable for December - Karen White

3.	Change Order #6 for 1912 Building Phase I - Randy Rice
	Additional modifications have taken place during construction.
Total increase covered by this change order is $17,750.46 and is within the
budgeted contingency amount.
		Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
	ACTION:  Recommend approval for Change Order #6 as stated and
authorize the Mayor's signature thereon; or take such other action deemed

4.	Hampton Inn Development Agreement - Dean Weyen
	The development of the Hampton Inn includes a watermain and fire
hydrant which is a public improvement and which will be the responsibility
of the City once installed.  The Development Agreement and a financial
security is required for the developer to secure a building permit prior to
the public improvement being constructed.  
		Council Consent Agenda Item #1I
	ACTION:  Recommend approval of the agreement and authorization of
the Mayor's signature thereon; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

5. 	Ordinance Authorizing Issuance and Sale of Bonds - Gary J. Riedner
	On August 20, 2001, Council approved a contract with Preston Gates &
Ellis for legal assistance and advice regarding the fire bond issue.
Council then adopted Resolution 2001-13 approving a special services
contract regarding general obligation bonds.  On August 20, 2001, Council
also approved a proposal from and contract with D.A. Davidson & Company for
services on the Fire Station Bond issue.   The bond ordinance proposed now
is to authorize issuance and sale of the bonds.  
		Council Agenda Item #4
	ACTION:  Review ordinance for consideration at the January 22, 2002
Council meeting.  

6.	Proposed Change Order #1, Software Programming Services for
Wastewater Treatment Plant - Mark Cook
	This proposed change order provides additional data management
capabilities to the wastewater treatment plant laboratory and relocates one
of two plant controllers from the laboratory building to the dewatering
	Council Consent Agenda Item #1K
ACTION:  Recommend approval of Change Order #1; or take such other action
deemed appropriate.

7.    Transportation Committee Presentation - Mark Cook
	The Moscow Transportation Commission will present the 2002 work plan
focusing on "beltway" and "bypass" route planning and selection.

	ACTION:  Recommend affirmation of the Transportation Commission 2002
Work Plan; or take other action deemed appropriate.

Tuesday, January 22, 2002	                             7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers 
206 East Third Street, 2nd Floor

Oath of Office administered by City Clerk and certification of election
presented to re-elected Councilmember Peg Hamlett.

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at
the request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

		A.	Approval of Minutes of January 7, 2002 - Chris

	B.	Approval of Accounts Payable for December 2001 - Karen White
				Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed
accounts payable for December 2001 and recommends approval of the following:
General                          706,424.14	
Parks & Recreation         78,701.79	
1912 Center                     24,590.83	
Arts                                  7,518.97	
Street                               91,540.84	
Airport                                         0	
Hamilton P&R                  6,939.20	
911                                   12,461.40	
Water & Sewer                232,390.41	
Sanitation                          197,080.01	
Parking                                6,966.00	
HUD Reserve                               0	
Bond & Interest                            0	
WWTP Construction         750,773.96	
LID Construction                           0	
LID Bond & Interest           150,500.00	
LID Guaranty                                  0	
TOTALS                             2,271,069.91	
		C. 	Request to Apply for Idaho Department of Fish and
Game Community Challenge Grant - Roger Blanchard
				The Parks and Recreation Department requests
authority to apply for a $3,351.00 community challenge grant from the Idaho
Department of Fish and Game.  No cash match is required and volunteer groups
will provide the basis for an in-kind match.  Reviewed by Administrative
Committee January 14, 2002.

		ACTION:  Authorize staff to prepare the grant for the
Mayor's signature.
D. 	Change Order #6 for 1912 Building Phase I - Randy Rice
				Additional modifications have taken place
during construction.  Total increase covered by this change order is
$17,750.46 and is within the budgeted contingency amount.  Reviewed by
Public Works/Finance Committee January 22, 2002.

		ACTION:  Approve Change Order #6 and authorize the Mayor's
signature thereon.

	E. 	Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation Grant Application -
Brant Kucera
				Staff seeks permission to apply for an Idaho
Department of Parks and Recreation Trails Program grant to pave and
landscape portions of the Paradise Path.  The grant requires a 20% hard
match.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee January 14 and 22, 2002.

		ACTION:  Authorize staff to proceed.

F. 	Proposed Resolution to Destroy Records - Chris Bainbridge
				Per Idaho State Code 50-907, records may
only be destroyed by resolution of the City Council after regular audit, and
that such resolution must list in detail records to be destroyed.  Reviewed
by Administrative Committee January 22, 2002.
				ACTION:  Approve accompanying resolution and
authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.

 	G. 	Parking Enforcement Training Request - Dan Weaver
				The Police Department has invested a
considerable amount of money in its computer software program for parking
control. The nearest technical support and assistance is in New York and is
very expensive. Staff proposes to bring the training personnel to Moscow and
through the course of several days training, certify Wayne Brannock as our
own technical support person. This will save money and make the program more
useful.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee January 22, 2002.

				ACTION:  Authorize staff to bring training
to Moscow for the parking control program as stated above.

H. 	Request to Surplus Equipment - Dan Weaver
				The Police Department is requesting to
surplus a Sig 226, Semi-Automatic Pistol in its current inventory to provide
Officer Sombret a retirement gift per Police Department policy.  Sombret
retired January 31, 2002.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee January 22,

		ACTION:  Approve request and authorize the Police Department
to proceed.

I. 	Hampton Inn Development Agreement - Dean Weyen
				The development of the Hampton Inn includes
a watermain and fire hydrant which is a public improvement and which will be
the responsibility of the City once installed.  The Development Agreement
and a financial security is required for the developer to secure a building
permit prior to the public improvement being constructed.  Reviewed by
Public Works/Finance Committee January 22, 2002.

	ACTION:  Approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature

		J. 	Request for Authority to Apply for Latah County
Community Forestry Program Grant - Roger Blanchard
				The Paradise Path Task Force is interested
in applying for a grant from Latah County to plant trees and shrubs adjacent
to Paradise Path east of Blaine Street.  There is no match required although
an in-kind match for volunteer labor and maintenance by City staff will be
included in the application.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee January
22, 2002.

		ACTION:  Authorize staff to prepare the grant for the
Mayor's signature.

		K. 	Proposed Change Order #1, Software Programming
Services for Wastewater Treatment Plant - Mark Cook
				This proposed change order provides
additional data management capabilities to the wastewater treatment plant
laboratory and relocates one of two plant controllers from the laboratory
building to the dewatering building.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance
Committee January 22, 2002.

		ACTION:  Approve Change Order #1. 

2.	Set Meeting Dates for February Meetings - Gary J. Riedner
		The third Monday in February, which is the normal meeting
date for the Council's February Special meeting, falls on Presidents' Day,
also a Federal, State and City holiday. City Code Section 2-2-1 states that
in the event a Council meeting falls on a holiday the Council will convene
on the following day which is not a holiday,  or on Tuesday, February 19,

		ACTION:  Set meeting dates for February Special meeting for
Tuesday, February 19,  2002, or take other action deemed appropriate.

3.  	Re-Setting of Public Hearing for "C" Street (Cherry to Lieuallen)
L.I.D. #126; "C" Street L.I.D. #127; and "C" Street L.I.D. #128 - Dave Klatt
		The Assessment Rolls have been prepared for "C" Street LID
126, 127 and 128 using a method deemed most appropriate for distributing
costs with relation to benefits derived from the improvements. Reviewed by
Public Works/Finance December 17, 2001.  A public hearing was originally set
for January 22, 2002, but due to procedural conflicts, staff requests
setting a new hearing date of February 19, 2002.  All affected residents
have been notified of the proposed change in date.

		ACTION:  Approve accompanying resolutions re-setting the
Public Hearing for the "C" Street L.I.D. #126, 127 and 128 for February 19,

4. 	Ordinance Authorizing Issuance and Sale of Bonds - Gary J. Riedner
		On August 20, 2001, Council approved a contract with Preston
Gates & Ellis for legal assistance and advice regarding the fire bond issue.
Council then adopted Resolution 2001-13 approving a special services
contract regarding general obligation bonds.  On August 20, 2001, Council
also approved a proposal from and contract with D.A. Davidson & Company for
services on the Fire Station Bond issue.   The bond ordinance proposed now
is to authorize issuance and sale of the bonds.  Reviewed by Public
Works/Finance Committee January 22, 2002.

		ACTION:  Consider ordinance on first reading; or approve
ordinance under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and
separate readings and that it be read by title only; or take other action
deemed appropriate.

5. 	Draft Mission Statement for the City of Moscow - Gary J. Riedner
		This is the draft Mission Statement drafted during the
workshop of January 16, 2002.  This is the second step in the Strategic
Planning process.

ACTION:  Consider Mission Statement and take necessary action.

Mayor's Appointments

	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

EXECUTIVE SESSION - Legal Issue - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance to
accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City
Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may be

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